Aera Green, Inc.

Tree & Shrub Care

Tree & Shrub Care After Aera Green, Inc. makes your lawn green, luscious, and healthy it’s time to focus on the trees and shrubs. These plants are an important part of the beauty and character of your home. Expert care and attention is important to ensuring their overall health. We offer excellent tree and shrub care, and are a leader in tree care in Utah. Our goal is to keep your trees and shrubs thriving all year-round.  

We set up a 7-step customized program for your landscape. Each landscape is unique, and we make sure the program caters to it specifically. This program consists of deep root feeding, dormant oil treatments, and insect and disease control for ornamental trees and shrubs. Once Aera Green, Inc. has finished its work, your home will be the best looking in the neighborhood.  

Continual attention to trees and shrubs is crucial for their survival. Aera Green, Inc. provides the attention to detail plant life needs in order to thrive. Our licensed lawn technicians will provide you with the best service for your landscape.  

Contact one of our lawn consultants to schedule a tree and shrub care program for your home today!